Andropause: What Is Male Menopause?

Andropause: What Is Male Menopause?

“Male menopause” is the more common term for andropause. It describes age-related changes in male hormone levels. The same group of symptoms is also known as testosterone deficiency, androgen deficiency, and late-onset hypogonadism.

Male menopause involves a drop in testosterone production in men. It’s often affiliated with hypogonadism. Both conditions involve lowered testosterone levels and similar symptoms.

If you’re a man, testosterone is a hormone produced in your testes. It does more than fuel your sex drive. It also fuels changes during puberty, fuels your mental and physical energy, maintains your muscle mass, regulates your fight-or-flight response, and regulates other key evolutionary features.

Male menopause differs from female menopause in several ways. For one thing, not all men experience it. For another, it doesn’t involve a complete shutdown of your reproductive organs. However, sexual complications may arise as a result of your lowered hormone levels.

Symptoms of Male Menopause

Male menopause can cause physical, sexual, and psychological problems. They typically worsen as you get older. They can include:

  • low energy

  • depression or sadness

  • decreased motivation

  • lowered self-confidence

  • difficulty concentrating

  • insomnia or difficulty sleeping

  • increased body fat

  • reduced muscle mass and feelings of physical weakness

  • gynecomastia, or development of breasts

  • decreased bone density

  • erectile dysfunction

  • reduced libido

  • infertility

You may also experience swollen or tender breasts, decreased testicle size, loss of body hair, or hot flashes. Low levels of testosterone associated with male menopause have also been linked to osteoporosis. This is a condition where your bones become weak and brittle. These are rare symptoms. They typically affect men at the same age as women entering menopause.

Jamaica Jenkins

English teacher by day. Brand ghost by night. Music mariposa. Wicked. Witty. Wildcard.


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