Hormone Therapy For Women

Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy using the pellet method has changed the manner in which women age. In the past; women died more frequently in childbirth, PMS was not recognized as a medical problem, and menopause, with all of its age-related infirmities, was just another stage of life to be endured and lived with. Today, we know that we don’t have to accept hormonal imbalance as a grim reality. Natural hormone replacement therapy has helped improve not only the quality of our lives, but also has allowed us to live longer. Some doctors continue to believe that women should stop whining and embrace our menopausal woes, but why should we when the remedy is as simple as replacing missing hormones?

Estrogen Therapy

Estrogen is a woman’s most important hormone. Without hormone replacement therapy, the loss of estrogen puts her at increased risk for premature ovary failure, osteoporosis, heart disease, colon cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, tooth loss, impaired vision, Parkinson’s disease and diabetes. The longer a woman is without the protection of her own estrogen, the greater the risk are for serious health consequences.

Estrogen receptors are present in a variety of organs throughout the body and brain. That is why hormonal imbalance produces a variety of symptoms such as loss of skin elasticity, bone shrinkage, moodiness and cognitive decline. When estrogen levels rise as they do in the first week of menses, the overall effect is to increase the amount of serotonin available in the spaces between the brain’s nerve cells, which improves mood. Within the brain, estrogen may in fact act as a natural antidepressant and mood stabilizer. It is therefore essential that a woman suffering from premature ovary failure or surgical menopause receive treatment from an HRT physician who understands the many ramifications of each woman’s specific hormone deficiency and is willing and able to meet her endocrine and emotional needs.

Testosterone Pellet Therapy

Testosterone hormone therapy gives a woman her mental clarity, libido, increased muscle tone and mass, and acts as a natural anti-inflammatory. When this hormone is at low levels, women often complain of mental confusion, weight gain and poor muscle tone, even with regular exercise.

The effect of hormone deficiency on the brain, muscle, bone, heart and metabolism can be significant without hormone replacement therapy for women, and it can be dangerous to long-term health. The brain needs normal amounts of testosterone in balance with estrogen to produce serotonin, which supports emotional balance. When lacking in these hormones, a woman will experience emotional instability that often results in increased anxiety, irritability, sleep disturbances, anger, sadness and depression.

The musculoskeletal system is also adversely affected by the loss of testosterone. By not having bio-identical hormone therapy, the deficiency or imbalance of testosterone can lead to muscle atrophy, osteopenia, osteoporosis, and pain in the muscles and joints.


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